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Oshioke Daniel (Hashdaan)

A creative and passionate software engineer interested in building digital products that solve problems while providing a seamless and meaningful experiences.

My insatiable desire to learn and improve, combined with 4 years of fulltime experience, has shaped me into a software engineer who builds scalable products

Timezone: CET +/- 1


These in my toolbox but constantly learning






Next JS


React Native



Tailwind CSS

Node JS

Ethers JS

Web3 JS




DS & A

Performance Optimization



Three JS

Jest & Enzyme




Virtual and Augumented Reality



Technical writing

Work Experience

Frontend Developer

Honey Finance

Blockchain. Finance. DApps

Switzerland, Remote

Journey at Honey

September 2021 - October 2023

I was part of the initial core team, as a frontend developer, and spearheaded most of the ground work for all frontend work. After shipping the intial MVPs, the team was able to raise around $3mil, to fund further development and ensure liquidity for the token.

During my time at Honey, in collaboration with other engineers, I built multiple products (frontend) from scratch including: NFT Staking as a Service (Solana), NFT lending (on Solana, Polygon, Arbitrum and BNB Chain), peer-to-peer lending (Solana), Onchain Governance (Solana) using Typescript and Next.js. I also built several 'event' pages including one for IDO fundraising and the NFT mint.

For this I worked closely with UI/UX designers, as well as frontend and backend developers to deliver products in an agile way, that were highly influenced by community feedback.

Besides UI/UX I was responsible for connecting the smart contracts to the frontend and assisted with QA testing

In the summer of 2023 Honey Finance was strategically acquired by Sharky Finance (the biggest competitor on Solana) to expand multi chain. During the transition I assisted with making performance improvements to the Sharky dapp and I made various improvements in terms of UI/UX, especially on the mobile design

Stack: React, Next JS, React Query, Typescript, Ethers JS, Solana web3 JS, Vanilla Extract CSS, Tailwind CSS

Software Engineer and Mentor


Agency. Academy


Journey at Wavecrib

July 2020 - Aug 2021

I teamed up with our skilled UI/UX designer to build a component library that can be used across various client applications. This library ensures a consistent look and feel throughout our projects and allows us to easily adapt and grow as we take on new challenges.

I developed frontend infrastructure (UI and functionality) for several web and mobile applications with React and React Native.

I took the lead in onboarding and mentoring a group of enthusiastic frontend interns, guiding them through a diverse range of projects. During this journey, I prioritized the establishment of robust and well-maintained codebases, setting high standards for code quality and development practices. This not only fostered a collaborative and supportive learning environment but also contributed to the overall success of our projects, as we did our best to collectively uphold the principles of excellence and best practices.

Stack: HTML, Javascript, CSS, React, React Native, Redux, React Router, SASS/SCSS, Firebase

Software Engineer

Ravenbrooks international

Agency. Academy

Journey at RVB

Jan 2020 - June 2020

Ravenbrooks international is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose purpose is empowering underserved communities, achieving sustainable goals. During my stay at RVB, I revamped and modernized the organization's website to better showcase our values and make it more user-friendly and efficient. After the new website launched, it played a key role in our fundraising efforts, helping us secure a 35% increase in grants to support our mission compared to the previous campaign

I integrated a payment system for receiving donations directly on the website and ensured compatibility for various browsers. Also surpassed initial time estimates, delivering ahead of schedule.

Stack: HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript, React, Redux, Next JS, Firebase

Tom Pandolfi

Tom Pandolfi


Honey finance

Dan is a fast learner and creative developer. He is an invaluable asset to any startup looking to ship quickly and iterate frequently.



Product Manager

Honey Finance

Dan was literally the go to guy for any new project to get it off the ground asap.



Frontend Engineer

Honey finance

Was great working with Dan, a hands on dev who thinks in creative solutions and always delivers.