

DEC. 2020 - Present.

Quickeats is a restaurant discovery mobile app with two distinct frameworks for restaurants and consumers. Her major goal is to help build a virtual connection between these categories in developing regions.

To set up and manage their units, the restaurants use a dashboard. On the other hand, consumers choose eateries and place orders.

Quickeats version 1 mobile app being used

Project Goals

I began the project with zeal, explicitly defining the project's major objectives and picturing its eventual shape.

For users, a great experience would an easy-to-use product that makes finding nice restaurants around them and ordering meals seamless.

For restaurants, a great experience would be a product that lets them setup and manage their store quickly and interact with their customers' orders easily.

With these needs in mind, I put together 3 core goals.

Nice images of restaurants and foods and stuffs

Simplistic set up

Since restaurants in the target locations are unfamiliar with a product like this, setting up must be easy to prevent an acceptability hurdle.

Performance metrics

Performance metrics should be offered to restaurants in order for them to evaluate success and run their businesses effectively.

Easy search methods

Customers should be provided with various convinient methods to find their favorite restaurants or restaurants around them.

Welcome to Quickeats

The landing page

Before the official launch, I designed and built a direct landing page clearly stating the proposed value, build credibility and leave a good first impression.

  • Smooth animations and transitions

  • Core features and values section

  • Categories archive

  • Brief user journeys

Launch the site
quickeats version 1 landing page

Onboarding and Auth

I kicked off the seperate frameworks with onboarding screens to briefly educate the users about the functions of the app and then fufill the necessary authentication.

Onboarding screen 1
Onboarding screen 2
Onboarding screen 3
Onboarding screen 4

Restaurant step up

After signing up, restaurants move on to set up their unit in three simple steps. Here, they provide some necessary information to tell the customers who they are.

Location, contact and maybe some meals’ details will be provided and sent to our database in this step. There’s also the option to save and continue the set up later.

Keep scrolling to see some screens from the various steps.

Restaurant profile edit screen
Restaurant profile edit screen 2
Restaurant location select screen
Restaurant location select screen 2
Restaurant meal edit screen
Restaurant menu category edit screen

Restaurant screens

After setting up, restaurants can then recieve orders and interact with customers. Here are some screens from the restaurant day to day activities interacting with the diners.

Restaurant app drawer
Restaurant orders overview screen
Orders details screen with confirmation modal open
Restaurant available meals screen
Meal details screen
Restaurant statistics screen

Store metrics

To help track progress and manage their businesses more objectively, I put together some metrics for the restaurants. Have a look!

Restaurant store metrics screen 1
Restaurant store metrics screen 2

Eaters screens

For the eaters framework, I implemented a variety of approaches to assist people find and choose eateries. They can search or select on a map view or according to the sort of meal they want to eat. Also, based on their current location, the best eateries in the area are recommended.

Eaters screen 1
Eaters screen 2
Eaters screen 3
Eaters screen 4
Eaters screen 5
Eaters screen 6
Eaters screen 7
Eaters screen 8

Cart and checkout

Eaters cart display screen
Eaters checkout screen
Eaters order successfull screen

Pay for a friend

I implemented a feature that lets a user send his orders to another user to make payment for it.

Pay for a friend notification screen
Pay for a friend feature. Friend order list screen
Pay for a friend authentication screen

Other features

Here are a couple of other features I implemented.

Push notifications

Push notifications

Push notifications are used to notify users about orders and their status, as well as to introduce new features and upgrades.

Transactional mails

Transactional mails

For different actions such as email verification transaction mails are sent. This is done via nodemailer.

Geolocation API

Geolocation API

To make it easy for users to provide their location during setup for restaurants and when customers place orders for their meals

That's the End. Thanks for watching 🙏🏾

Please feel free to hit me up with any questions, suggestions or just to tell me you enjoyed this or not.

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